I blog because…

So I’m joining up this week on the Finish the Sentence Friday group because I:
1. Just found out about it AND
2. Felt strongly about this prompt

The prompt is
I blog because…

I blog because it helps me release tension.
I blog because it gets all the dark and “unacceptable” parts of my brain
I blog because I’m a mother
I blog because I long to connect with people
I blog because I’m a writer
I blog because I’m a wife
I blog because I’m happy
I blog because I’m sad
I blog because I’m angry
I blog because I love my children
I blog because my family drives me crazy

I started this blog for just me, to anonymously get my darkness out. But then I started to write more content based posts. I blog because I like writing things that connect with people. And although I do it anonymously it makes me feel more connected to the world

There are some amazing blogs and posts on this linkup and you should check them out!

On of the ones I connected with the most: Mommy for real

8 Responses to “I blog because…”

  1. Oh so happy to have you join us and think you are truly blogging for some wonderful reasons. Hope you will link up with us now again in the future!! 🙂

    • I will! I find that having something to focus one post on helps get the creative juices flowing for other posts. And I’m always happy to find other cool mommy blogs!

  2. I rapidly discovered that the ‘connectedness’ you feel with other people is a really, really good thing about the whole deal. Nice to see you on FTSF

  3. Love that you blog because your family drives you crazy. I, too, crave the connections that I’ve found through blogging.

  4. there is totally no doubt (in my mind) that the people you will meet here, in the course of creating a blog, are amazing. Amazing in all senses and uses of the word: amazingly good writers/funny people/perceptive critics/insightful readers/helpful commentors. Not the worst way to spend time.

  5. I am SO glad you joined us, and I want to thank you so much for the shout-out to my blog! I really appreciate it, and your reasons for blogging really resonated with me. The connections I have made through blogging are so rewarding to me.

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